So many people go through life never thinking about what their legacy will be. They are not conscious of what they will leave behind for others to learn from when they are gone. Of course it changes as one grows older and hopefully wiser. For some of us, who are fortunate to live a long, full life of a half dozen decades or more our legacy is ever changing. Many are not dealt the gift of longevity but are aware of the importance of their legacy.
I was told by a family member that was diagnosed with a terminal illness that she felt appreciative of the awakening of consciousness due to her condition. She went on to explain that she felt fortunate to live each day on purpose with no regret. She talked about the memories she was making with her family and friends, the quiet times she spent just being content without bitterness or hast. She made me understand that it is not the time you are given, it is what you give to others during that time. It's been many years since that conversation but I can recall it as if it was just yesterday. It puts a lump in my throat as I was writing this paragraph. The little moments that didn't seemed so ordinary in my life at the time seemed to shift into importance in the pause after each sentence she spoke. Plans I felt could wait suddenly became urgent and intentional. One's personal habits attribute to their legacy. Writing Thank You notes, being on time when someone is expecting you, offering a helping hand even though you are busy, looking someone in the eye when they speak, returning a smile to a stranger and even intentionally dropping a piece of your sandwich on the sidewalk for that stray dog you encountered on your walk to into your office for work are all pieces of a person's legacy.
Your actions tell the world who you want to be, who you are and ultimately who you were.