Lisa Harris McLean HOST of LIVE with TEEN COACH DIVA talks with Margit R Luria CEO & FOUNDER of BLOCKED to BRILLIANT - Parenting your AWESOME ADHD child .. discussing ALL THINGS ADHD!!

Host Lisa Harris-McLean asks this DYNAMIC Duo how they do it all! This Mother Daughter team advocates for women with endometriosis and so much more.

Live with Teen Coach Diva host Lisa McLean talks to Christina Kemp of San Antonio Texas about work -life balance! Tune In!! This is a REPLAY - Previously aired LIVE earlier in 2016

Host LISA HARRIS-MCLEAN chats with her guest NICOLE ROSHELL MARTINEZ about MINDSET & TIPS on GOAL SETTING and how people can access all they desire by changing their mindset! Nicole is an AUTHOR, speaker & INSTRUCTOR who helps people grow spiritually, personally and professionally with signature talks on SWEET & SIMPLY NETWORKING. The HOW FACTOR STRATEGY and FUNDAMENTAL BOSS PRINCIPALS

Monday May 9 - Let's keep the conversation going with your host of LIVE w/TEEN COACH DIVA Lisa Harris-McLean & Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer Schiavo... this is a conversation about MINDSET, shifting in your LIFE and BUSINESS. Join us for PART II of our first conversation on 3/28/2016 to see how changing your views can change your life. It's

My FIRST LIVE with Teen Coach DIVA Show !! Monday, MARCH 7 @ 11:30am CST. In this week's show Teresa Howard, author, life coach and a SURVIVOR of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE speaks with TEEN COACH DIVA about the very serious issue affecting not only women but our teen girls worldwide.
She will discuss her journal "12 Steps to Reclaiming Your Life" as well as the RED FLAGS & SIGNS of an ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.
It's time to hear the stories, so we can
EQUIP others with the KNOWLEDGE and STRENGTH to

Monday April 18 11:30am CST Host Lisa Harris-McLean chats with her guest NATARI WALTON!
Natari will tell YOU how she went from having a JOB, to being a women on a MISSION to HELP others become DEBT FREE & FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT while working from HOME! Natari now sets her own hours which enables her to spend more time with her children and accomplish her own FINANCIAL GOALS while enjoying the FREEDOM to make her own schedule..living her life with ABUNDANCE while helping others do the same!

Monday May 2, 2016 11:30am cst
This episode is PART 2 of my conversation with Natari Walton which AIRED on MONDAY APRIL 18, 2016.
We experienced some technical difficulties and the show ended unexpectedly BUT we continued our CHAT about FINANCES and HAVE IT AVAILABLE NOW for you to enjoy!! THIS EPISODE is PRERECORDED so there is no CALL IN Q & A during this episode. ENJOY !!